Proper use and cleaning are vital to prolong the life of fiber laser optics. You can request the optical cleaning kit that we have created considering these requirements and the optical exchange kits created for the NUKON NLCH cutting head and provide the opportunity to change in the field, to reduce the downtime in the optic malfunctions that may occur, from NKN service personnel.
NKN has increasing product and service quality day by day, NKN has always been its first priority to provide 100% Customer Satisfaction for each product sold in order to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level.
Address : Bursa Org. San. Böl. Ali Osman Sönmez Blv. No:7/B 16140 Nilüfer / Bursa / TURKEY
+90 224 241 69 69
+90 224 241 39 39
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